Why I Wake Early

A Visual Interpretation of Mary Oliver

3 Weeks
Motion Design, Visual Design


Using a combination of Procreate, Adobe After Effects, and Photoshop, I storyboarded and designed a visual story to complement Mary Oliver's poem "Why I Wake Early".

Project Context

I wanted to experiment with storytelling

I am an avid poetry lover and a particular fan of Mary Oliver. When reading "Why I Wake Early", I decided to take advantage of the perfect opportunity to grow my motion design skills and pay homage to one of my favorite poets.



During this project, I found myself completing flows and realizing at the very end that there was a better way to go about it. Since this was a passion project with no hard timeline, I took advantage of those lessons and continued repeating a task until I was happy with the outcome. It was a welcome and surprising change of pace in terms of learning on the job.

Developed and designed with love and iced mocha lattes
Copyright @ Erin Kingsley 2024